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terms & conditions

By purchasing a membership package on you are acknowledging that you have completely read and agree to abide by all of Elite Striders Track Club's Terms and Conditions mentioned here, as well as in the checkout section of your selected membership package.

Welcome to the Elite Striders Track Club (ESTC) Terms & Conditions Page.  The contents of this page are outlined below.  Thank you!


Page Contents


1) Membership, Fees & Refunds, and Additional Information

2) Medical Information & Liability Release

3) Elite Striders Track Club Rules

4) Elite Striders Track Club Disciplinary Action Plan

5) Elite Striders Track Club Photo Release Form for Minors & Adults

6) Elite Striders Track Club Volunteering


1) Membership, Fees & Refunds, and Additional Information




Elite Striders Track Club (ESTC) Membership Terms & Conditions


Note: *Flagstaff & Tucson track meets may or may not be held and are at the sole discretion of the USATF AZ Association. ESTC has nothing to do with this decision and is subject to the terms and conditions of the governing body as well.  ^Contingent upon qualifying for the Junior Olympic Regional or Junior Olympic National Championships.


All purchases are final and are not subject to a refund.


Please note that the Membership Packages are for one (1) athlete.  If you'd like to sign up more than one child then each child needs to have their own membership.


Mandatory USATF Membership


A USATF Membership Card is MANDATORY and must be paid for on your own directly to USATF.  You can sign up for a USATF Membership on their website,, or by clicking HERE.


Fees & Refunds


All purchases are FINAL and NON-REFUNDABLE, regardless of how many track meets or practices your athlete(s) choose(s) to participate in.  We encourage all athletes to participate in EVERY practice and meet. For our Gold Membership Package, no refunds will be given for failure, by your athlete(s), to qualify into the Junior Olympic Regional or Junior Olympic National Championship. If an athlete fails to qualify for Regionals or Nationals then their plan will be cancelled prior to the next scheduled payment.  


Additional Information


You must purchase an ESTC Membership Package AND USATF Membership Card BEFORE the first day of practice to be eligible to participate in any Elite Striders Track Club practice or USATF sanctioned track meet.


All food, travel, and supplies/equipment needed for the athlete's success are the parent’s responsibility.


My purchasing a membership package confirms that I have read, understood, and agree to abide by the terms and conditions of this Membership, Fees & Refunds, and Additional Information Section.




2) Release of Liability & Medical Representations


Consent for Medical Treatment:  As the Parent or legal Guardian of the registered athlete(s), I hereby give my consent for emergency health care administered or prescribed by a duly licensed health care practitioner, EMT, or paramedic.


Medical Insurance:  My child(ren) participating in this program are included in a medical insurance policy that I, the parent or legal guardian of the registered athlete(s), maintain.


Medical Condition:  My child(ren) have NO medical conditions that require special attention, unless otherwise noted in writing on my registration form.


Liability Release:  For myself, children, heirs, executors, administrators, and assignees, I hereby release all rights and claims for damage against Elite Striders Track Club, Tempe Union High School District, coaches, staff, board of directors, club organizers, and other volunteers for any and all injuries suffered and/or illnesses contracted by my child(ren), myself, or anyone with me travelling to, from, and during practices, meets, and ESTC events during the upcoming season, during my membership with ESTC.  I acknowledge that track and field is a physical sport and that it can be hard on the body.  I also acknowledge that because of this, injuries can and sometimes do happen.  I also attest to the fact that my child(ren) is/are in good health, physically fit, and able to participate in a rigorous track and field program.  I accept 100% responsibility for the health and wellness of myself, children, family, heirs, executors, administrators, and assignees.  


My purchasing a membership package confirms that I have read, understood, and agree to abide by the terms and conditions of this Release of Liability & Medical Representations Section.




3) Elite Striders Track Club Rules


1) All club members will always show respect to fellow athletes, parents, coaches, and officials.

2) All club members (including parents) will not ridicule, gossip, and/or put down any athlete, coach, official, or other parent.

3) All club members will adhere to the rules and judgements of the coaches & officials.

4) All club members will not use foul language at practice or at track meets.

5) All club members will stay current with all school assignments and grades to ensure eligibility to participate in track and field events

6) All club members will attend all practices and track meets on time and be fully prepared to participate.

7) All club members will bring with them to practice and meets their track spikes, running shoes, sweatpants/warmups, and a reusable water bottle with their name on it.

8) All club members will always encourage and be supportive to each other.

9) All club members will not use and/or abuse any drugs or alcohol, including illicit street drugs, prescription drugs, over the counter medications, natural or synthetic supplements, and/or any other substance meant to imitate a drug in a manner outside of what’s prescribed. 

10) All club members will not engage in any type of physical altercation at practices or track meets.

11) All club members will not bully any athlete, parent, coach, official, vendor, or anyone while representing the Elite Striders Track Club.

12) All club members will not steal.

13) All club members will not bring any type of weapons to practice or track meets.

14) All club members will inform the coaches of any foreseen absence from practice or track meets.

15) All club members will respect all facility grounds where we train and compete.  

16) All club members will ensure that the practice and track meet facility is cleaned before leaving.

17) All club members will always show good sportsmanship, including but not limited to practice and competitions.


The ultimate rules are to respect each other, always keep a positive mind, compete hard, and always have fun!


My purchasing a membership package confirms that I have read, understood, and agree to abide by the terms and conditions of the Elite Striders Track Club Rules.




4) Elite Striders Track Club Disciplinary Action Plan

First Offense:  The athlete(s) and parent will be called in to have a meeting with the coaches about the offense, and the athlete will be given a verbal warning.


Second Offense:  The athlete(s) and parent will be called in to have a meeting with the coaches about the offense, and the athlete will be suspended from the team for one week.


Third Offense:  The athlete(s) and parent will be called in to have a meeting with the coaches about the offense, and depending on the situation, the athlete(s) could be removed from the team indefinitely or face further suspension.  This decision will be left up to the coaching staff only.


For every meeting with the athlete(s) he/she will be given methods/modalities to deal with the problems to avoid further situations.


Serious situations may result in immediate removal from the team.


Examples are drug use, possession of a deadly weapon, deliberate injury to another club member, total defiance to the coaching staff, etc.  Team removal is not only limited to these examples.


The goal is to provide a safe and nurturing environment for all club members, where they can enjoy their teammates, coaches, and the entire track and field experience.


My purchasing a membership package confirms that I have read, understood, and agree to abide by the terms and conditions of the Elite Striders Track Club Disciplinary Action Plan.




5) Elite Striders Track Club Photo Release Form for Minors & Adults


I hereby grant to the Elite Striders Track Club the absolute and irrevocable right and unrestricted permission in respect of photographic portraits, or any pictures the Elite Striders Track Club has taken of me or in which I may be included with others, editorial or any other media such as film or video, to copyright the same; to re-use, publish and republish the same in whole or in part, individually or in conjunction with other photographs, and in conjunction with any printed matter, in any and all media now or hereafter known, including web pages and social networking media, and for any other purpose whatsoever without restriction as to alteration; from time to time, or reproductions thereof in color, black and white or otherwise made through any media.


I hereby waive any right that I may have to inspect or approve the finished products or the advertising copy or printed matter that may be used in connection therewith or the use to which it may be applied.


I hereby release, discharge, and agree to save harmless the Elite Striders Track Club, its legal representatives or assigns and all persons acting under its permission or authority, from any liability in connection with the use of the photographs, video and/or film as aforesaid or by virtue of any alteration, processing or use thereof in composite form, whether intentional or otherwise, as well as any publication thereof.


I understand that the photographs, video and/or film taken by the Elite Striders Track Club will be included into stock files.  I agree that the photographs, the transparencies thereof, video and/or film, and the rights to copyright the same, shall be the sole property of the Elite Striders Track Club, with full right of lawful disposition in any manner.


I hereby grant permission to the Elite Striders Track Club to photograph the Elite Striders Track Club participant and/or associates during activities and to use the photographs, video and/or film in Elite Striders Track Club audio-visual and printed materials without compensation or approval rights.


My purchasing a membership package confirms that I have read, understood, and agree to abide by the terms and conditions of the Elite Striders Track Club Photo Release Form for Minors & Adults.




6) Elite Striders Track Club Volunteering




The Arizona Association of USA Track and Field (USATF AZ) operates all track meets with the voluntary assistance of its youth track clubs.  Elite Striders Track Club is given a yearly duty of maintaining one area of the track or field for the duration of the season.  Parent and/or family member volunteering is MANDATORY.  The responsibility is divided among the Elite Striders family and we require everyone to sign up and contribute.


* Please understand that the Elite Striders Track Club Coaches may not be able to volunteer as they are subject to the meet schedule and athlete's needs.


My purchasing a membership package confirms that I have read, understood, and agree to abide by the terms and conditions of the Elite Striders Track Club Volunteering requirements.

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